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Artzruni dynasty (about 320 - 1022)

Artzruni dynasty (about 320 - 1022)

Lords of Great Albak and kings of Vaspurakan. Capital: Hadamakert.
Ancestor and founder of the house - Sanasar.
Vache (about 320 - 340)
about 340 - 350 transferred to the crown
Shavasp, son of Vache (about 350 - 355)
Merujan, son (about 355 - 371)
Babken (Babik), son (about 371 - 410)
Vache, son (about 410 - 430)
Mershapuh, son (about 430 - 460)
about 460 - 680 unknown naharars
Grigor (about 680 - 705)
Vahan, son (about 705 - 742)
Sahak, son (742 - 768)
Hamazasp, son (768 - 786)
Gagik, son (786 - 798)
Hamazasp, son (798 - 826)
Ashot, son (826 - 52) (859 - 875)
Gurgen, brother (852 - 853)
Vasak Kovaker, son (854)
Gurgen Apupelch, son of Ashot (854 - 857)
Grigor Derenik, brother (857 - 859) (875 - 885)
Ashot (Sargis), son (885 - 904)
Gagik abu Mirvan (regent 885 - 897)
Gagik, son (904 - 936, since 908 king of Vaspurakan)
Gurgen, brother (co-ruler 904 - 916)

908 - 1022 kings of Vaspurakan (see below)


Материал скомпонован и отредактирован: Аршам Агамалян


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